The St Francis Park development was built on part of the Anscombe Wood. Part of this ancient Woodland was destroyed in the storm of 1987 and this allowed the estate as we now know it to be built. However, part of the wood remains on the other side of the relief road and as part of the planning consent a new area of Woodland has been created. We have details from Mid Sussex District Council about the regeneration and management of this Woodland as this has become rather overgrown and work is to start in the autumn to clear the gorse and bracken from the site to open up the Woodland for public access.
There will be walks through the wood created with an open glade and access on to open fields on the other side which is owned by MSDC.
Once work has started MSDC are keen to encourage resident participation for management and monitoring if anyone wants to get involved in this.
Thanks to Anne and Ian Rumble for the information
Please click the button below to view the woodland management planning report.